Wow, okay so I had no idea if I would ever blog again but here I am typing.
Mainly this is a crazy realization that I have been home for over three months. I cant even describe to you the ache in my heart to be in Quebec again, its crazy how much I miss the people at the church and constantly being in Valeries way and getting excited when Alain my mon amis would be coming home.
I miss the discussions over chess with MR Meyer and hanging out with the ladies. Earl and Danny and I having fun and watching Rachel and Aaron play at the arcade. Italian Poutine and galavanting into Montreal to watch Efa play. Seeing Grace every week and snow boarding with her.
All in all i miss it so very much.
Its crazy how so much time as already past but these people are ingrained into my memory and tattooed onto my heart.
I miss them so much!
So cheers to memories